Artist Statement

Ranging from emotive color to a bold graphic vernacular, my work stems from an urge to document intrinsic bodily rhythms and thought patterns. Always in the name of romance and joy and pain and deep dark depths; the span of emotions is sunk and lain down with a tactile generosity. Thick impasto, wet in wet paintings clash with thinner sweeps of diluted washes, searching for the easiest way to say the most.


Stacy Harris (b. Evanston, IL 1984) is an emerging painter living and working in New Orleans, Louisiana. While primarily working in oil paint, her materials extend to ink, gouache and oil pastels. She spent the last decade in her native Chicago, building up a body of work and a personalized language intimately her own. Using intuition and emotion, bold swaths of color and punctuated, gestural mark making, she composes lyrical landscapes that offer a lusciousness of comfort.